Thursday, June 30, 2016

PA One Book Program Survey Link


 One Book program survey is also due to Commonwealth Libraries;  that deadline is September 15th.   

Please go to  and tell us about the programs your  library has provided around the  One Book, Every Young Child initiative.   Please fully describe programs.  The survey will be open until September 15 to include programs done this summer.  You can enter programs completed now and then enter summer programs later.

Summer Learning Survey Submission Information

Libraries are expected to use the participant survey at the end of their programs to elicit outcomes from their participants; the information can be collected either via paper or an online survey. 
Both the participant survey and the survey/report questions that are in Counting Opinions.  It is the data collection software used by the State Library.  The online library survey will be available in August.  Susan Pannebaker will send  the link and directions for accessing it at the end of July.
The Summer Reading Report is accessible at: 
The 2016 Report is not yet available; however, you have been emailed everything that needs collected in order for its completion. 
If at any time you need login/password information or assistance completing the report, don't hesitate to contact the District Consultant.

PA Budget Update

2016-2017 Pennsylvania Budget Update

Monday, June 27, the House Appropriations Committee voted 36-1 to approve budget amendment SB 1073. Tuesday, June 28 the House voted 132-68 on the $31.6 billion spending plan. The Senate tweaked the proposal and is expected to vote on the proposal today, June 29. The deadline to pass a budget bill is Thursday, June 30.