Friday, May 20, 2016

More than just a State Aid check!

Here is the list of everything paid for from the Public Library Subside.  Please make your boards aware that the subsidy also provides statewide services. 

State Aid to Public Libraries
                                                              Final Distribution

Public Library Subsidy: 
 State Aid, County Coordination Aid & District Center Aid  

 Library Services for Visually Impaired &Disabled                                                                                             $2,567,000

 Library Access: Statewide Services

·         POWER Library

·         IDS (Interlibrary Delivery System)

·         Electronic Library

·         ShareIt (formerly Access PA)
$ 3,071,000

Office of Commonwealth Libraries
State Library Operations        
   $ 1,832,000

Other funding available to public libraries:

Keystone (building and renovations)

 LSTA (grants to libraries;  special projects like Play K, Block Party, Wee Build, Family Place; Summer Reading Manuals and training; trustee training and other continuing education events.

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