Monday, May 16, 2016

Time to schedule library audits/reviews!

Your library's annual report is not complete until the submission of the audit/review.

If your library's State Aid Revenue is $50,000 or more, an audit is due EVERY year.
If your library's State Aid Revenue is less than $50,000, an audit is due every THIRD year; a financial review due the subsequent years. 

To help save library's money, the State Library encourages library's to schedule their annual financial requirement during the months of June, July or August.  (After tax season.)  Better yet, lock in a 3-year price/contract!

The State's deadline is October 1--this means that your audit/review is keyed into their system by October 1.  NOT that your audit/review is mailed to be received by the State October 1.

The District Center's deadline is SEPTEMBER 1.  The District is collecting 22 audits/reviews!!  Each must have a cover letter with the appropriate wording as stated by the PA Library Code. 

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